Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tea with our ADUN

Every new year, Francis would send us
New Year wish and an update of his family in the form
of postcard pic mcm ni.A great idea indeed.

There's something about our ADUN that makes people love her despite much resentment for the party she represents.And she told us how she got nominated as a calon in a hot area and finally won the seat.I percaya by will of Allah.

Even how we met.I ni nak kata superstitious, taklah.Or syok sendiri, tak juga kot? But mcm juga IWFF which wanted to happen, kali ni I dpt projek baru yg nmpknya ingin juga berlaku.If I tell you the sequence of events, mesti they will make you think.

It all started when I emailed YB pasal potholes kat my area.Tak lama mana she replied my email.Waaaa..I macam tak percaya...ADUN baca dan jawab emails penduduk! So I asked if we could be of any help to upgrade standard of living in the area.She ajak I minum tea kat luar.I ajak dia minum tea at my place...ramai sikit can join and more casual.And food is free. Parking is also free. :))

So I had batches of people to my tea without inviting the YB cos' YB tak responded on my offer.Then one day, she text-ed me and asked bila nak tea kat rumah I.Wahhh...I pun networked with all my friends on the three areas I had identified we could work on.

Getting the right people to advise you will save cost and energy.My friends yg dtg ni bkn sembarangan..semua experts of the three areas I outlined earlier and gosh...I learnt much as well. The lake project is the best.Dr. S from Architecture came and gave many brilliant ideas.

Nik kata: jgn hangat2 taik ayam dah ler.I takut juga ni.Besar kerjanya dan melibatkan byk agencies.Duit takda.YB dapat RM300k je for one term's budget.Hadoi...ciputnya.Mcmana ni?
But we know that for anything to succeed, you first have to believe in it.I think IWFF taught me that.
Our strength is we have the expertise and the network.Selebihnya doa agar Allah permudahkan.

Watch the progress and if you have ideas (money!), moh sit with us and be part of our team.

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