Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lazy day in Nice

We woke up late.Walked to the farmer's market.Beli ikan,sayur dll to cook lunch.Lepas lunch,lepak lagi.Bangun pi to the beach to swim.We are lucky to have sandy beaches in Msia.Patut le Europeans, Australians bagai suka dtg pantai kita.We wanted to go for the private pay £16 for cabin and privacy but they close at 7 pm.So we joined the crowd.Ingat Z and I je pakai Muslim women swimwear..ada sorang lagi pompuan Arab. :)

We ate out in the evening.If you come bertiga,you cannot order main meals for two.Semua kena order cos' demand for cafe tables is high.Chisss..dasar capitalist! So I had to order big w/pun tak lapar.

The farmer's market jadi night market in the evening.But there's ntg we liked.

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