Monday, July 27, 2015


From Stratford,we drove to Woodstock which is a nice distance to Bicester and Oxford.Kami have 3 different interests: Z wants to lepak in Oxford,Nik nak cari baju kerja di Bicester (I dah takda napsu nak bershopping apatah lagi di factory outlets...mahal dan buruk..size terlalu besar or terlalu kecik.Org kata brg2 outlet ni brg defect...defect yg jenih tak nmpk.But I got myself a Versace selendang.Sweet colour).

My interest was the safari-like zoo tapi hari hujan so pics you see here would be us in the rain,after rain or before rain.

Besoknya we had a quick visit to Blehneim Palace whr Winston Churchill was born and buried not far frm there.Dia dari keluarga bangsawan.Hotel kami Duke of Marlborough tu betul2 country inn..dekat dgn palace tu.Nice kampong feeling.Actually the outskirts lagi byk tempat menarik.

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