Monday, November 02, 2015

A failed state?

I get terribly angry if anyone says so.Who makes the state? Us. Who can shape it? Us. Can politicians have so much power to do what they like?

I think not.The future is civil societies.The future is us.

 But when I had to take the train to KL Sentral and walked and walked...I'm beginning to feel that this country is beyond hope.Letih hang tau? Konon ada customer service line..soalan kita not listed in their stupid voice mail.And no button to speak to any manusia yang boleh berfikir.So I had to go to the office and got my probs sorted out.Hang pilih orang putih jadi CEO 1000 kali pun takkan dia faham budaya kita.MAS OK? I'm talking about MAS service.Dah masuk longkang!

Kerja I the whole week dok meng-hack kerja orang.Haha. Kekadang Naim masuk meng-hack kerja I pulak.Kah kah.Nasib baik between us, kita tak angkat pot punya.I am tired folks.Last week orang cuti, kita tidak.Pastu sejak I dipilih jadi itu ini, AJK sana sini...kerja menimbun.Theses dari luar masa ni le dia nak masuk macam hujan.

I have two options: retire early or take time out for a year.Maybe when Prof Ratna balik from Bosnia, I will discuss with her.Malam2 my dreams are all about interns..that I had a pool of good interns to assist me.Or someone commented that it was a good move to employ interns.I mean what kind of life is that? Dreaming of work? Tak cukup waktu siang memikirkan work? Malam pun kena mimpi work? 

Anyway, me so proud of my Kak Ngah...she was on BFM on indigenous education issue with regard to budak2 yang hilang then found dead tu.She's second in the family to be on BFM.And boy...besar sungguh mulut dia.Haha.

We all ckp hope she'll make it to the family wedding next week.:D


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

I am tired too. So I just go to hospitals every week now because that's where all these craps stop at the door. Kita jalan terus!

Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: itulah.Buat macam you sah byk pahalanya.Budak2 tu tak boleh bawak keluar jalan2 in the jungle ke? My friend runs a retreat for cancer patients kat Gombak..masuk hutan..kata dia the fresh air does a lot of good to the patients.I have not been sebab kena jalan kaki and panjat anak bukit.But maybe one day should try.