Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sambal udang

Here's how you do it fast:

2 packets of Brahim's kuah sambal udang.
600 gm udang basah
Half spoon cili giling
Bawang merah, bawah putih, halia dihiris dan tumbuk dan ditumis sebelum campur dgn Brahim's.
Since akan berasa sangat masin..tambah air about 3/4 gelas.

Masuk petai yg dah dikopek yg berege rm7 satu packet yakni mahal melampau but do you have a choice.

Bila dah menggelegak, masukkan udang.

Bila nasi tak cukup, scream depan tamu minta bibik tolong tambahkan.Bila Bibik buat tak tau, shout again till she comes running saying nasi dah habis..kalau masak lebih, tak habis, rugi woh, she says out loud infront of your 5 guests.

Kisah benar.
Hari ini. But I'm proud of my sambal udang.And kormak lamb.Mmg sedap.


ubuntu_linux said...

Prof, budak syndrome down yang kat kg sg pusu tu jual petai rm2 satu ikat yang ada banyak papan :)

Faridah said...

Ubuntu: Cheh, Tipah tertipu! Next time I go look.Thks for the info.

FJ said...

prof, many thanks for the recipe including the awesome trick to make sure we never run out of it in the presence of guests hahahahhahaha