Saturday, March 19, 2016

Earth Hour

March 19 at Kota Dsara Reserved Forest with the PPRT kids .In an earlier meeting, the kids voted to pray Maghrib in the open space.It was lovely till waktu sujud...the boys infront of me (aged 13-14) who obviously were not familiar with solat berjumaah started making funny noise cos' they didn't know wht to recite.They went klok klok klok.Mcm bunyi ayam.I was struggling not to laugh aloud but a few in the front row were snickering.I think I had to qada' my Maghrib cos' rakaat kedua berbunyi lagi..I had to cover my mouth frm a loud laugh! Maybe byk syaitan frm the nearby jungle!

Then we had pertandingan azan.The first prize went to this tiny little boy about 12 or 13 years old.Dia azan je kita pun naik bulu roma sebab sedap sgt.So merdu and melancholic.I asked him belajar kat mana.He said belajar sendiri.But I later found out from someone that his dad tukang azan kat flat tu.Mungkin le dia belajar sendiri after listening to his dad.Tak silap I..dia le yg bunyi klok klok depan my saf. :D I also heard them talking to one another masa sujud.Hadoi.

Then we had a picnic on the grass di bawah cahaya lilin.While observing Earth Hour, we also listened to the sound of the jungle for a minute.It was not easy to calm the kids but anti haze activist Animah managed to get everyone quiet for a minute and wht we heard frm the jungle was amazing and beautiful.

My family and students I brought frm IIUM (3) had a good time and new learning experience.Alhamdulillah.

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