Sunday, May 08, 2016

Mother's Day

Gayah ajak pi pesta buku pagi ni.Pucuk dicita becos' I promised Dato' I'd attend his book launch but last night fikir how to go cos' Sabtu dah pi and so exhausted caught in the heavy rain and all.

Nmpknya it's meant to be.They changed the topic cos' the original speaker's mom died this morning so he was replaced by the country's top scientist.I'm glad I went.So padat ilmu tasawuf sciencenya. So humbling.

Then went to buy more DBP and PTS books.Wei...tak tidur mlm mcm ni.Reading about Imam Bukhari at the mo.Dia pernah buta but dek disebabkan usaha ibunya yg begitu yakin Allah itu Maha Mendengar (dia bangun tahajjud bagai) night she dreamt Nabi Ibrahim sendiri dtg beritau dia mata anak dia dah ok.Mmg betul..besoknya anaknya melihat kembali.

Just the story I need as I sat looking at Mek dlm keadaan yg begitu menyedihkan tadi at the hospital.Selagi blm ajal, kita jangan berputus harap dengan Allah.

Melissa said our book is no. 1 bestseller at the ITBM booth on its 9th day.Syukur alhamdulillah.

Rushed back to Absolutely Thai to celebrate Rose's bday and lunched out with all the lovely moms in the family. Ajir was trying to buckle up for almost an hour.I nak tolong, he pushed me away.So kiasu one! But I showed him anyway.Then he did it on his own.Not once but twice. :D

A bunch is from Z for me for Mom's Day and the other is from me
to her for her bday (we quarelled over who gave the nicer one)


Mawar said...

Kak F
selamat untuk kedua-duanya.
ternyata kedua-dua jambangan bunga yang cantik, tak perlu gaduh-gaduh!

Faridah said...

Haha..Mawar yang adil! Selamat Hari Ibu dan semoga anak-anak kita diberkati Allah.

Mawar said...
