Saturday, July 14, 2018

Frankfurt to Den Haag

Faraha saw me off at the station this morning. Yazri was going back to Croatia but F said she's all charged up to work on her thesis. Nice to know.

I dah macam lembik by now. 45 mins to Utretcht, I decided to brave myself and use the public toilet in the train (selalu getik). Nampak button hijau je tekan. Apa lagi, pintu toilet automatically terbuka..ada lelaki tua tengah membuang air kecil.Oi mak oi. I said oh oh sorry and pressed byk kali button hijau tu if the door would shut again. It would not so I just tinggalkan pintu tu ternganga dgn muka terkejut seorang lelaki tua.Nasib toilet tu agak tersorok so not that public.I lari sejauh mungkin so the man would not cross my path but dia pi cari I...just to say the room is now available to use.I nganggok2 je without making eye contact.

When Z picked me up at the Den Haag station, she was not over the fact I missed my train on the way to Frankfurt.I said wait! I have not told you everything yet.She said oh no..should I know.Are you giving me probs to solve again? Is it solved or not yet? Z mmg takut mcm kwn dia Ganesh ckp I takut when I see your mom's tel no. on my phone. Haha.

I just have this to say: I'm glad I am home. Den Haag ni dah mcm home dah.First thing I did was to have cendol kat restoran Indonesia kat apt Z. Then makan nasi and gado2. Z had ABC.


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