Friday, June 20, 2008


Had promised Zul that I'd help promote his event.Good luck, bro!


Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

I met Zul in Laos when I was a volunteer. Tak tau pulak masa tu dia tu good dancer.

And that time i wasn't even into clowning. Agak-agak kalau I offer do 5 mins sketch on theatre clowning, dia consider tak for KL Fringe?

Edinburgh Fringe ok je ( even though tak pernah pi sana pun!)hehehe...

Faridah said...

Wah..I'm so lucky to know so many talented people here.Your field is chemistry, macamana boleh pi clowning ni?

Ask Zul.I'm sure he'd be happy to allow you clown.Unfortunately the first week, I will have to miss out.Francis is my good friend juga.He will also perform sama dgn Zul.He teaches Theatre in Virginia.Our f/ship (dah macam adik beradik w/pun lain agama) went a long way.He performed at an International Festival my students and I organised at IIUM some years back..lepas Sept 11, to promote world peace.

Zul kata Arif Waran pun another name to look out for.You heard of him? I am so sorry I will have to miss out but mungkin sempat catch up the second part of the Fringe.Pls go and write back what you did/saw/heard.

Zul (kadang2 nama dia Zubin) is a nice friend to have.Dia ni betul2 macam orang Melayu lama.So telus.Cakap tak pandai belit.He speaks from the heart.Very2 intelligent.I read the interview NST did with him, dia kata Tok Kenali tu moyang dia ke hapa ke.Sedara lah. :)

Zul juga trained as penari ballet.But he grew up with budaya Mak Yong.Itulah pasal his play at the Fringe will be interesting.Pasal Mak Yong sleeping with enemies: orang putih and Jepun.Sure meletup punya.Tak pernah dibuat dek orang.Ada nilai2 sejarah.I am really sorry I will miss.Harap2 he will re-stage.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

I stumbled upon clowning and the use of it while conducting my own research to find out on how to improve the quality of life of sick kids during my first few years after grad and that time i was working with MAKNA.

Masa tu terjumpa the concept of clown doctors in USA.The rest is history.Alhamdulillah, dapat study caring clown di La Crosse in 2003.2005 pi pulak Maine study dgn Avner Eisenberg dgn govt.grant.

Masa di Maine, tu baru sedar how not only I can utilise clowning for hospital work but also in theatre based work. Tgh dok explore this very new area.Dapat scholarship pi Norway (patutnya Isnin ni start) ..nak buat camna duit tak yearlah pergi.

Yes I will go and see his performance....

Faridah said...

I think caring service is something truly lacking in our society.And to be professionally trained like you lagi lah jauh dari langit.I'm surprised no health agency/ministry wants to sponsor you.Cuba-cuba lah approach the right people but yang leceh, contract/bond which will limit your movements.Nanti cannot help sick kids in non-BN states la pulak.I find benda2 gini childish.

I think magic show seronok juga.The other day we engaged one for my daughter's 16th bday party.Sebenarnya it's more for me!Maklum, kita masa kecik2 mana ada semua ni, kan? Seronok gila.Hassan can potong kepala orang tanpa hurting.Itu dah taraf David Copperfield tu. :)Dia boleh swallow fire also.And he does live animals (pigeons).

If you want to learn from or engage Hassan (he's so funny), let me know.Mungkin musim2 sambut raya esok, you can get Hassan to do a duet with you for the kids.