Thursday, May 21, 2009

3.10 am

I can't sleep. Gara-gara makan alternative medicines! My father in law was right: jangan percaya benda-benda begini.Just makan ubat hospital. And for someone who has EVERYTHING, he seems to be doing OK with his ubat hospital.

I am now convinced.

It all began with friends' recommendations lah ni. You know as we age we have all sorts of health complaints and we talk about them with friends, neighbours, relatives...and there would be among them who'd say go here, go and so was cured, etc etc.

Kita pun akan mudah terjual. And I was sold! :))
Dr S, her friend and I went in Dr S's car to this place.Seemingly famous cos' he got his datukship and well-respected in his community.Big home.Funny (like most alternative healers). Oh yes, we were all nicely entertained.When I said have you duit kecik nak tukar? He said yah sure..gimme your money...I'd tear it to pieces (small change). Funny, kan? :))

Anyway, he charged me RM700 and for 3 days I took his prescriptions (loads!).On the 3rd day I felt real funny.Went to my doctor and I made a decision to stop this RM700 medication (byk capsulesnya weh!). Wough..nyaris tak mati. My bp went skyrocketing!

I decided to write this to advise you guys: do not take any capsules/medications not authorised by Ministry of Health/your medical doctor and I wonder who regulates alternative medicine practitioners.I think kat Msia ni mereka bebas sangat mengubat orang.Don't they have some sort of a license to practise their art?

Tapi I tak salahkan my funny Datuk.I think it worked with some people (it worked with my friends who recommended him to me) and I think he meant well as well.

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