Monday, May 18, 2009

Tak suka baca suratkabar

I don't take newspapers seriously. Unless they report natural disasters which papers can't lie about: like tsunami, earthquakes, etc.

Online news pun I tak suka.I read blogs yang boleh dipercayai.Hahaha.That's how I catch up with news (which is faster than suratkabar biasa).

Tapi today terbaca kat NST (semasa lepak2 takda apa nak buat di rumah after work) pasal isu meritocracy and PSD scholarship.Haiyooo..still at this ah? Berebut duit yang sedikit? I remember as a government scholar..tak cukup makan woh.Kena kerja ladang berries to tampung woh. Kena kira botol at supermarkets during stocktaking for a few dollars a day...semayang pun tertinggal.Banyak dosa if ambik PSD scholarship woh (cos' have to work overtime and langgar waktu semayang.)

If want to fight ah..fight for corporate scholarships lah.Ask them why not give more? They make so much money from the country what..oil habis semua kena sedut...balak sapu habis (apa companies buat semua ni? Why wanna bully the PSD alone? The real culprits yang kaya raya tu semua lepas...yang ambik duit orang through gambling tu...apa pasal tak tanya why don't give scholarships to the needy at a larger scale? )

Gila punya suggestion that only 11As are automatically given PSD s/ships (so small minded one!)
With that kinda attitude we will all be driving our young ones to be suicidal as pressure mounts.I think the government should stop young students from taking more subjects than what is necessary (ambik sampai 20 subjects....soon 30 subjects...gosh..and we just watch?) I worry about my gal preparing for her SPM.In the end I had to tell her it's OK to fail!!! (tidur pukul 1 or 2 am.Then gets up again at 4 am.Then at 6 am prepares to go to school.What is this? Have we as parents given her the wrong message? This 'you must study hard to get PSD s/ship' thingy?)

May Allah save us all from sinning against our own kids.Against our young.
SPM scares me like it never did before.


Unknown said...

ye la dr f,susah betul nak mohon scholarships nowadays....

Faridah said...

Dari dulu lagi has always been about who you know..that is why tak leh nak harapkan s/ship government tu je.Badan2 korporat mesti memperbanyakkan lagi jumlah s/ships..SHELL ke, EXXON MOBIL ke, GENTING ke (bagi yang bukan beragama Islam),PETRONAS ke...mereka ni dah buat byk duit dgn kita bertahun2.They can do better than the government.

I think kita menyalak kat tempat yang salah.Itu tak semasuk lagi syarikat2 listed in BURSA yang lain.

jooli said... has something about this too. Cu tengok.

orangkampung said...

It's all tipu lor. Anak aku dapat 11 A tak dapat apa pun.

Faridah said...

jooli: thanks for link.Isu yang tak berkesudahan.Everyone wants to speak for their own perut.

ummiaimi:I know.I have heard stories about how ada budak 7As nak masuk local universiti pun tak boleh tapi yang lain 3As boleh masuk buat engineering.Tak tau macam mana komputer mereka pilih.

Bagi sesiapa yang ada anak ambik SPM, be prepared to receive the worst fate.

I like leaders of the past (esp. Tun Musa Hitam) who invested a lot of money in education.Malaysia today is built by these generations of students who had benefitted from PSD scholarships and yang seangkatan dengannya (I have to eat back my words on PSD s/ships...sikit tapi berkat)

JoE (IzuddinE) said...

maybe they should contohi Honda, they offered scholarship to those yg x mampu.

Faridah said...

True Joe.Many Japanese companies are generous (but they are also thinking of investments, branding etc.Tapi takpa lah, kan? Win-win-win situation).Motorola pun ada but as I said lah...tak bayak.Patut MAxis, Astro tu semua kau orang tekan suruh bagi banyak lagi s/ships.Kalau memunahkan duit sms kita, takpa....bagi balik to the society, buat keraih/keras, buat payah...

uNe said...

Saya suka baca headline nya aja...he he..