Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gen Y

There are some wonderful articles on generation y (generation why). I think we get to see them first (as students) before CEOs start to wonder why and how to deal with them. I had noticed changes in students' behaviour in the last 10 years but am beginning to understand our new challenge (berdepan dgn new breed of 'monsters'.Hahaha). In the past, colleagues and I were wondering why the students were so different from previous batches: they seem to be more rude (because they were always asking 'why' over what we thought was basic common sense), lazier (we saw it as 'lazy' when they could have actually wanted their own space and time in doing things). We also wondered why getting recognition was so important to them.In the past, we did things for love, kan? It didn't matter who got the name for every success we were part of.

I think as educators, we ought to know what is happening to our new generation as the gap widens.New pedagogy, new approaches must be devised to handle this new breed of students before we 'flush' them into the workplace. I can identify quite easily cos' I have one member of gen y at home.My daughter. My recent brush with the undergrads working on the green project enlightened me on how to guide, shape and make myself relevant as an educator to these bright, active kids.If you know the trick, it'll be fun working with them. :)) Kalau tak, pening kepala as you deal with what seems to be 'stubborn' kids.They will never take No for an answer.You kata A, they nak Z.Mula2 angguk.You turn your back 5 secs, you tengok Z is there before you. And you end up thinking..yeah..they were right. :))

Teachers of dinosaur years, we gotta read on gen y to stay relevant!

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