Thursday, February 25, 2010

The power of prayers

Greetings from Singapore!

For those who were with me in the last few days, I wish to thank you for your support and prayer.My mother is now discharged from HUKM after a week's trauma.As is so common with renal failure patients, she suffered delirium and we were so tried.Some bad relatives said she got hantu rayalah, this and that.We called ustaz from so many places esp from Darul Shifa' and I am most grateful to my brother in law's friend, tak ingat pun nama dia but my colleague from IIUM, Dr Samsudin is the kindest to us.He came all the way from Gombak to 'scan' my mother and assured us takda hantu atau jin atau setan.It's just effect of her illness and perasaan (mother merajuk dgn busy anak2 who seldom visit her.She has all daughters.Malangnya we are the types who take our career seriously and are always busy.My sisters yang kerja kat SUHAKAM and Sal,a school teacher, je yang consistently sacrificing their working hours for mom.I datang before and after work sahaja.Alasan: backpain)

Anyway, we are relieved she's OK now.I think the week's lesson was for us.Now everyone is making time for her.I'm in Spore cos' Spore Management Uni jemput as speaker (slot is tomorrow afternoon) and on Sunday (I just found out) I'm sitting with CEOs in a panel discussion.Aiyoo..Must ask Prof Kirp apa ke benda I have to talk on in that panel.

My charger kena curi kat airport (tak tau in KL or Spore) so I had to naik bus pi Bugis Village to buy charger.Sporeans memang macam I, tau pi balik kerja je.When asked for directions, ramai blur.But Bugis Village is nice to shop (ni yang my mak marah ni.In her delirium, she asked if I were going to Spore to makan angin dan bersukaria shopping.How alert! Even di bawah sedar)

Anyway, I am convinced in the power of prayers.Masjid UIA buat, budak2 anak angkat mak I masa raya pun prayed for her, my facebook and blog friends, even Kirp pun prayed for my mom.I'm sure Francis did too.I am so fortunate to have good and sincere friends/students.I ain't rich but I have good friends/students.Syukur and thank you all.

Now wish me luck at SMU.I'm sure orang nak tau pasal pompuan kena rotan kat Msia.Looks like I sorang je Muslim participant at the conference.


Anonymous Devil said...

dah ok eh? alhamdulillah.. good for u. now dr. boleh terus kan rutin harian dgn senang hati sikit.

Faridah said...

xlan: betul.I have just done my presentation.I tell you, it's a great experience to be among giants and practitioners.They come from all over the world and mostly founders/ceos of this and that.Bagus juga Spore Management Uni ni punya philosophy to create leaders who give back to society/helping the poor and needy.Bukan buat duit semata2 utk diri sendiri.They announced a surprise: a fondation gave some money to a group of students to work with me on a community project.Wah! I pun terkejut berok but this is most welcomed! We are building networks across nations.Hopefully I can rope in IIUM students into the project too.Duit no problem.Opportunities are hard to come by.

Psst..mak I tanya lagi if I pi makan angin kat Spore ni.Kejap ni nak keluar pi bar-b-q.Macamana dia tau?

Asma' Umm Hudzaifah said...

dr faridah..what a nice news to hear bout your mother this morning! i was wondering how she is this w'kend. hehe..and lol! def. so sharp bout the singapore trip:)
glad to hear about the contribution- they r really walking the talk bout their philosophy; respect!
k have fun in s'pore..

Mary said...

oh no i missed u in singapore again. so sad!
Hope u will make ur way down soon again. Please let me know! =D