Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Something old and something new

I found an old friend who I have not been in touch with for about 30 years yesterday.It's nice to know that your friends are doing so well even as they age.Or because they age?

And our brainstorming session with people from the film industry went so well yesterday that my colleagues from IRK were so inspired that they expressed their enthusiasm to help out.Syukur alhamdulillah.So we will have a film screening on June 18 to further refine what shariah compliant films are.I like my new friends.I used to think film makers are stupid.

And for those helping out behind the scene (esp. DK): thank you so much!

The first Professorial meeting went well too.I chaired a session on Intellectulal Property Rights and learnt so much about patenting.Prof. Ida (our homegrown IIUM student who went to Cambridge for her LLM and PhD in London) said not many know that there are other ways to protect your intellectual properties.Patents are just way too costly (esp. when you can't commercialise your products) and you lose your exclusiveness cos' you have to declare your secrets when you apply for patents (and they only last 15 years).A form of control to control knowledge, kan? Dah lah bayar beratus ribu, curi kita punya hardwork pulak.

I enjoyed the discussions (between those from Science/s and Prof Ida) on this.A whole new world for me, folks.

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