Saturday, December 07, 2013

DIS new batch

I met them today.As always, a very interesting mix...a couple enrolled cos' they were concerned about raising their young kids Islamically. Couple muda. Suaminya works in the aviation industry.At least 3 were there cos' they were integrating Islamic studies with their professional progs.A lady corporate quit her job cos' she wanted to learn Islam.I thought masyaAllah..hidayah Allah beri dalam byk cara.Two others said mereka menyiapkan diri utk kembara mutakhir. Of cos' I was humbled by all these sharings.

I hope they will benefit much and that we will not disappoint them.
Wedding in PJ.Then I went for my spa.High! High! Gal tu allowed extra time for me to rest a bit more.God bless her.

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