With a friend of the Earth
Ithaca Falls at a safe distance
If you listen to the TV/Radio or read the papers, it'll look like humanity is gone for good.
I decided to have my own 'escapes' during the weekends (starting with Friday).Missed the world sufi music/dances cos' SEAP's annual dinner coincided.It's OK.I think Will would have a video on the whole event for me to see.I hope!
The dinner was good (foods and music/dances).I met some new friends.
Sat: went on a picnic with Chrissy and Yuni at Ithaca Falls.Ada pulak orang nak berpacaran (thinking the place was isolated).Lelakinya agak berumur.Yang perempuannya agak muda.Lepas tu dua budak lelaki muda pulak tiba.Tak taulah memang nak meninjau2 atau finding a spot to berpacaran also.We all buat tak tau je.We found a nice spot to talk about so many things. Call it time-out.Or escapism.Or escapade.Or whatever.But we had fun not talking about wars, murders, shootings, men making bad decisions, women behaving like men, etc.
Then we went shopping.For a while the world was problem free.
Chrissy slept over at my apt.I got the couch.
Sun: Earth Day.Mary came to collect us and we spent about an hour at the Farmer's Market.Learned how to do compost tea for my garden. Will teach Bibik how to do it. :)
Kejap lagi nak keluar celebrate Manu's b'day.I'm tired of death/war news.Wanna celebrate life!
Some pics.
i see u're having a good time there! bestnyeeeee
take care and have a nice day!
Terpaksa create a good time, Syima.Tempat ni terpencil.Orang2nya pula ramai yang xenophobic.How's work?
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