Friday, April 06, 2007

West Virginia

Winter in spring at Parkersburg, West Virginia

Nancy and I at a lounge of a hotel at Parkersburg

Finally, met Nancy after all these years! I was doing an average of 2-3 talks a day (see their website at Nak pengsan rasanya. But I enjoyed meeting Americans of all walks of life and people of different age groups.The trip from Williamsburg was 12 hours on the Amtrak train from Virginia.Nak pengsan rasanya but my companion was a lady from Hyderabad (who's been living here for 30 years) so she shared her food (cappati) with me.Atas train, takda apa nak makan and it was too early to prepare anything from Francis' home w/pun Francis bekalkan I buah2an dan biskut (macam mak!).Nasi habis dikudap bebudak 13 orang tu (they were such a joy!)

What I loved about being at Parkersburg was the enthusiasm of Americans here to learn of the 'other' (ie Islam, Muslim women). I enjoyed their curious questions e.g does the infidel's blood value less than the muslim's. I think we parted as brothers and sisters (I hope) as we shared each other's stereotypings and perceptions of the 'other'. In Malaysia, we often think the Americans are ALL anti scarved women and how we too 'fear' them as some Americans fear seeing scarved/veiled Muslim women. It was a learning experience for me as I got to know Americans, close-up.
Greg's sociology class was great.There were about 50 over students in the class, asking curious and intelligent questions.
I spoke to 3 groups here.Loved them all although a bit tiring (remember my 12 hours train ride?)
Read my poems here.Ramai juga nak beli but stock belum sampai. :)

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