Thursday, July 09, 2009

On my mc day

I saw Doc Bob Koh and his wonderful wife, Mary.Did more therapy for the leg using Isogai technique.My chi came back.Isogai believes that all sorts of ailment are caused by bad bone structure (cos' chi and blood circulation would be clogged).Not cheap but I thought better prevent than be a vegetable later. Watch me in 6 months if Allah izinkan (I had done solat hajat and zikir 5000 kali before I made this big decision cos' it meant parting with 6 years of my savings.I put my trust in Allah.Completely.Kalau tak menjadi, it's part of ikhtiar to feel well physically).
Tengah berpeluh2 buat exercise Isogai, Umaira rang.TV journalist from Gala TV Awani.Hahah, thanks Umaira for thinking of me and MJ! Initially I said No.Orang tua kerepot mana nak masuk Entertainment TV bercakap pasal MJ.Nanti Ustaz kat UIA kecam. Prof Aslam kata don't forget to brush my moonwalk when I text-ed him the funny news.I said tak pernah nak menjadi bila I tried. :))
But Umaira and her friend did a wonderful job (my garden will be featured.Thankyou thankyou!) and makcik pun ceritalah zaman makcik dulu.Then anak makcik pun kena interbiu.Pakcik tak mau sebab dia dah pakai baju melayu (lepas semayang maghrib).Pakcik pun boleh moonwalk zaman dulu2, kot?
What a day.It cheered me up.I'm happy for Umaira too.She's doing fine as broadcast journalist.I wish her well.Kawan dia pun sopan budaknya.Mungkin keluar Sunday ni jam 6 pm or next Sunday.Harap nonton and beritau sedara mara, yah.:)))


Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Mak aiiii..pakciknya pun boleh buat moonwalk?Fuhhh..power!

Faridah said...

aiii..zaman dulu2 semua boleh buat apa! Hahaha.