Tuesday, July 21, 2009

South Australian dinner pic

with flinders friends

Geoff sent me this pic (ada yang lain but I nampak gemok).

Day 6 puasa detox.Hopefully tmrw will be my last day going without food for 24 hours, 7 days on stretch (I wanted to do 9 but I miss my food/s ==> badly.Bob suspects it's emotional attachment cos' I am not hungry while on this detox prog.Cuma aku miss makanan Msia aku!!!)

Saw Bob and Mary today.Semalam pun.6 therapies, 12 to go.Alhamdullilah getting better each time.Can walk faster now.


jooli said...

A thought: the best kind of puasa is puasa Nabi Daud.

Faridah said...

How is it done?? I like our puasa: malam boleh makan apa2 je!(but best is in moderation)I like that freedom to choose.

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Come on.You can do it.At least it will inspire me to do the same. I mean not fully puasa food like you do - heeheheI don't have that courage but to start seriously to reduce my weight.

Anyway dah start balik jog and while everybody dok cari blackberry, I baru beli (1st time in my life) a Salter - siap boleh kira fat and water percentage.

Scary to see those numbers..OK esok pagi I will jog..

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Actually I dok tergelak sorang-sorang masa berjoging di Taman TAR semalam bila terbayang yang I ni sebenarnya ialah a big fat Foie Gras.Hahahaha!Bayangkan la kalau I ni di seared on a frying pan...those sizzling fat melts and left me with some succulent liver..Hehehehehe...

Been thinking to start my lose-weight-journey blog and named it as "A Big Fat Foie Gras Blog".Better I patent it quickly before someone else take it.

Faridah said...

Congrats on your positive move, Dr Bubbles.But I think brisk walking is kinder to the bones than jogging.Just cut down on high protein and bawak berpuasa (sunat Isnin and Khamis).If you reduce on high protein, lagi cepat kurus.And no deep fried food at all.You buat 2 hari pun dah nampak result.Cuba le.Mari kita perangi lemak (like kita perangi dadah)

InsyaAllah besok my last day.I dah suruh my maid to masak apa I suka for lusa.Bob kata I am now like a new baby so makan tak leh benda merepek2.I have to buat sup sayur campur dulu.Nanti terkejut pulak system badan.The good thing is rice is OK.:))

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Thanks for the tips.Memang brisk walk dulu now.Yalor..kena cut down protein.Eh you rice boleh ka?Some people say rice is the real culprit..i mean when talking about weight loss lah

Faridah said...

Rice with sayor is OK(and jgn goreng2 sebab vegetable oil cannot withstand heat: sunflower ke, olive ke..sama je..dia jadi agent for cancer kalau digoreng so your sayur must be sup atau raw macam salad mat salleh.I have no prob with this)

Tapi berpada le kot nak makan rice pun.Takkan segantang sekali makan?

Jgn lupa fruits dulu sebelum makan apa2.