Saturday, July 11, 2009

TPM yang berani

I'm beginning to like our TPM.I think he's courageous to answer all criticisms with regard to the new decision on Math and Sci in Bahasa Melayu.And to go against Chet Det! Woohoo...berani.PM dah tak berbunyi (being the polite man he is).

I grew up in Malay medium.No prob what to pick up English Lit later in my life.The thing is our open mindedness not just to master English but other languages.But the way we English is the be all and end all. What we should teach our kids is to understand the advantage of learning more than one language.So yes, they must do well in English, Malay but they must also make an effort to pick up Chinese (or even Tamil or Urdu).For Malays, Arabic tu dah macam wajib dah.

But I kecewa mindset kita.Hanya nak zoom to one language (be it English ke, Malay ke, Chinese ke).The mind must open like parachute la beb.How is it in Europe, they can do 4 languages at one go?

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