Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Benefits of charity/sadaqah

A friend whose home was broken into a couple of weeks ago is traumatised.She rang me up for support (I was in my power meeting.Can I call you back soonest I'm done, I asked.Poor thing).

When I rang her (hours after I got home and remembered), I spoke of my experience being tested with ailment. It is God's way of reminding us to remember Him.First, feel grateful that Allah reminded us. She told me what I knew myself cos' I went through it: dah lama tak baca Quran, dah lama tak buat amalan2 sunat, etc.

And I shared with her fadilat sadaqah.Four things:

1. Sadaqah memanjangkan usia
2.Sadaqah meluaskan rezeki
3.Sadaqah menghindarkan kita dari penyakit
4.Sadaqah menghindarkan kita dari bala/musibah

But do it kerana Allah (not becos' we want all fours stated above).Do it cos' you mean it (ikhlas...sehingga tangan kiri tidak tahu tangan kanan memberi). Sadaqah is not only monetary.A smile is a sadaqah.A kindness done is a sadaqah.Sadaqah is something you give consistently.Biar sedikit.

As we talked on the phone, we both felt comforted.I didn't counsel her.I counselled myself.

Sometimes you need a friend on the other end.To understand what you go through.


Anonymous Devil said...

true that sadaqah has in it lots of hidden benefits which we are not aware of. giving sadaqah is not easy, especially for me, and especially when it comes to monetary sadaqah. hehe. i always find excuses not to give sadaqah. thank God zakat is compulsory. if not, sikit sangat i think my contribution would be in the name of islam.

Faridah said...

Xlan: kalau dah tau kelemahan tu, you must baiki.Start with small amount..30 sen bagi kat budak2 sekolah rendah or tadika..do it often.Nanti jadi seronok.The more you give, the more you get.Ada satu cerita this guy dah bangkerap.He was advised by his fren to sell vespa dia (the only harta left!)and sadaqahkan the duit from the sale.As he was doing that, kakak dia di Switzerland text-ed him and kata setuju bayar semua hutang dia.Akhirnya dia kaya balik.Kita ingat kalau kita sadaqah, duit kita berkurang.Sebenarnya Allah akan tambah berlipat ganda lagi.Wallahualam.

MH08 said...

Thank you for a wonderful entry. and yeah i admit it. kadang2 when u feel like ur are at ur wits' end, tetibe ade bantuan dari mana ntah datang. =)
Thank You Allah.

Faridah said...

As Salam Yammy,
Memang betul especially if you amal doa seribu dinar tu (the right way is to recite it as many as the no. of your birth date.Misalnya you were born on 27 March..so you kena baca seribu dinar tu 27 kali setiap solat.nanti rezeki you datang dari arah yang tidak disangka2.I tried it.But I guess depending on tahap darjat kita di sisi Allah.Ada org dapat rezeki tu without work.With me, it usually come with work.Haha.So kadang2 I takut nak baca cos' of the work that comes with it.You get what I mean? But bila dah desperate sangat, I baca juga. :) )

ARIF said...

I have experienced the wonder of giving Sadaqah myself Prof. it's very personal and uplifting really. Allahuakbar.!!

Faridah said...

Arif: share it with us! I always welcome stories of God's miracle.We need that humility.