Monday, March 21, 2011

sudah-sudahlah tu

these days a lot of things make me angry but the latest shot on Anwar Ibrahim really make me wanna puke.Most fbookers (who will vote) asked, "takda modal lain ke?"

When less than 20% of the nation's population have university qualifications, inilah jadinya.
Hey bodos, sudah2lah tu...last GE 5 states sudah kantoi, mahu kantoi 5 lagi in the next GE?? We want REAL deliveries, not scandals in the papers.

Start working, stupid! Malaysia needs a lot of saving.


ubuntu_linux said...

prof, u wanna puke, saya dah terpuke pun. kalau ada yang percaya, taktaula mentality mcm mana

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

Exactly my sentiment. Malaysia kekurangan penulis skrip drama yang baik. Allow me to nominate you jadi MP Batu Talam. Hehehe!

Faridah said...

Ubuntu: I think they just want to distract AI and psychologically break him.They should have read history that orang2 mcm AI (juga macam Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi)memang created by Allah to inspire (they may not be able to lead effectively)dan yang hanya boleh membunuh org2 ini hanyalah maker mereka.And you CANNOT kill a spirit.

Dr Bubbles: Boleh! Boleh! :)

jooli said...

There are many things I do not agree with AI, but this is simply not fair. It's dosa besar, and yet people are not afraid of accusing others. What next?!!

Anonymous Devil said...

ubuntu: it might come to your surprise, but there are people who believe it.

dr. ade video baru cakap AI gak. but this time with a maknyah. hehe.

Faridah said...

Fellow Malaysians: thank you for speaking up.I bimbang if we don't, nanti negara ini Allah turunkan bala cos' no one menentang mungkar lagi when she/he sees one.

Xlan: Itu yang sedih.Masih ada org melayan berita2 begini.The larger issues of a sick nation remain unaddressed!I cukup sedih.

Diari Bongok said...


I read about your HK trip (after google for some info abt HK). If u don't mind, is there any way i can contact u? FB or YM maybe? This would be much a help. Thanks. :)


Diari Bongok said...

Sorry, or you can contact me.

my email :

thanks! :)