Sunday, June 10, 2012

Egyptian jokes

My Arabic class yesterday was soooo mean.In a nice way.Dr. Saodah is back from her umrah where she prayed for both of us that our learning would be made easy...haha.On Friday's skyped lesson with my Arabic teacher, I thought I did miraculously well.And on Saturday, Dr. S and I didn't go on our normal " forgetting it every 5 mins" mode.We did well in our sentence making.Syukur.

Then came in the Egyptian's sharing:

During Sadat's cruel regime where so many people were killed, even dogs were leaving the country.At the border, a dog was stopped and asked: why are you leaving?

Dog: Sadat is killing all the donkeys.

Guard: But you are not a donkey.

Dog: Do you think he knows the difference?

Lesson to be learnt: if you didn't lead your life well, you would still be the talk of town after your death.In a bad way.

Here's a more contemporary one:

During the Egyptian Spring, a protester wanted to distribute Hosni Mubarak's picture for reasons known only to him. So he photocopied Mubarak's pic on the poster but wht came out was a pic of a donkey. He tried and tried again.Same result.

A little boy watching this at a distance, said,"Why don't you do the reverse? Photocopy a pic of a donkey and see what happens?"

The older man did.And true enough, Mubarak's picture came out OK.

Lesson to be learnt: do not undermine young voices.

And oh! There's another one on Bush and Mubarak but I'm off to my Sunday wet market.

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