Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The marks are all keyed in, folks.But more deadlines to meet.But having a demanding job is better than NOt having a job, right? So we say alhamdulillah for whatever there is.

I met old and new friends at the winners' alumni today.Enjoyed the national laureates' session.Could not help asking a question on inclusive literature for a multiracial society and the issue of not doing serious translations of literatures of the 'other'.Would have loved to stay longer but I had other commitments.Hope to catch up with some of the new friends I made (one Chinese Accountant and another a Chinese lady who studied all the Malay classics and read some Arabic.I mean where do these people come from??) Masli N.O. was funny when I asked him when did he find the time to write.He said when you can't sleep."You can't sleep, right?" he insisted (nak tergelak pulak).I can sleep, bro. and if I can't, I won't be able to write! :)

The best is meeting the MM Editor.Byk keperluan I dgn dia.Kah3.

Had to leave early to submit marks and all.Also rushing home early to prepare for tonite's dinner with Makoto and Carlotta and Nik.We are eating Japanese.

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