I would not say we had not been tested.Ohhh...many times, sometimes perhaps too often.Ahaks.Busy people are always like this. People like watching this old couple.They say we look loving together.Funny.Weird.Mis-matched.We accept all compliments and say syukur.Both of us are sometimes extremely different but there are times when we are also so similar.I guess over the years, we learn to accommodate and respect each other's need and also space.
Dr. Bubbles asked me not too long ago about keeping a marriage strong.Well, I think it is not up to us.It is grace by Allah.We are mere players but I can tell you this about Nik: he's sincere and respectful of me and of family values.Of marriage as an institution itself.I hope we will be continued to be protected by Allah.It's a bad world out there but we live on lots of prayers.Since I got married to Nik, he reads his doa aloud. You know this man loves you right from his soul.I would suggest every husband does that when solat berjemaah with the family.It's an open declaration of love, commitment, responsibility. I reflect upon these little,little things in the relationship every time I see red in my life. And your spouse is really your jodoh chosen by Allah.Treasure it.It is your only means of happiness for the Hereafter.If you don't screw it up.
For Nik: thank you for accepting me as I am, the most imperfect spouse one could ever have but honey, I truly truly truly love you and seek your forgiveness for all my bads.
Happy 25th anniversary and may Allah give us much more blessing, patience, grace and protection.Amin.
Reading this from Udon Thani. Happy Anniversary Dr. Faridah and Pak Nik. Kami mendoakan agar kalian sentiasa bahagia, dimurahkan rezeki, dan panjang umur. Amin.
From DR Bubbles and Yati
Hi you two lovebirds.Udon Thani tu kat mana pulak? Thanks for your well wishes.Solat berjemaah,bfast together no matter how busy you are.Walaupun tengah merajuk.Ahaks.Itulah antara petuanya.
aminnnn.. hehe.
Xlanx: oh lagi satu..always hug one another cos' there is a research that says a person (spouse) often hugged has a healthier life than those who don't get hugged that often.Buat ni at the start of your day so that you stay positive throughout the day.
Happy Anniversary Dr! May Allah keep you and your family in His Rahmah always til Jannah. <3
And bless you for the marriage tips! hehe!
Syima: Thank you, dear.:)
Salam Dr,
Happy Anniversary..
Semoga kebahagiaan berkekalan..
Thank you Lady.How's the little one getting on?
Little one is progressing well.. Alhamdulillah Dr.. Cuma dia tak berapa suka nak makan.. Macam-macam puree + porridge dah buat tapi dia kurang minat.. Akhirnya mommy jugak kene habiskan.. :D
A flavour at a time should do the trick.My gal dulu I blended udang with one sayor..say broccoli ke.Next day, chicken and say, carrot ke. She takda masalah.But some babies mmg mcm tu..kasi juice la kot? As long they have enough liquid.Talk to your paediatrician if you are worried.
Tq so much for the tips Dr. Will try my best.
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