Wednesday, November 05, 2014


Today Prof Gayah and I janji jumpa at Ramsay-Sime Darby Medical Centre at Subang Jaya to visit Tan Sri Ani Arope.Dah lama nak visit but I was down with a bad flu.Then my cough came back.But I bought a mask and pakai sanitiser before masuk the ward.

He's not eating and was on fluid diet.His male nurse jaga dia siang malam.Otherwise his mind is very alert.He wants to add a few more articles for the second edition.Gayah is kindly working on that.I dah busy dgn benda2 lain.As we were leaving, Tan Sri hulor tangan (he wore a glove) so I pun sambut cos' my tangan pun dah ber-sanitised.His grip was still strong and he said, masih kuat grip dia.We all laughed.His sense of humour will never go away.I asked Nik if orang-orang zaman lama ni mmg jenis salam kuat gitu.Itu hari one of the veteran writers pun salam kuat.Tiap kali jumpa, tiap kali salam! (dalam satu hari.Mungkin dah lupa).Nik said in Islam mmg mcm tu bila bersalam.But it is also true org putih kalau bersalam mmg dia grip habih.

Oh ok.

Kita doakan agar Tan Sri cepat sembuh.

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