Sunday, November 02, 2014

Equal opportunities

So some of us sat all day yesterday on equal opportunities and whether our current kids had that competitive edge compared to yonder years.

Sudah tentu kita tahu jawabannya.So what do we do?
I met a few interesting people - the pretty lady from Medical School, UM, the two datos who felt passionately about pencapaian anak2 muda sekarang and a few Profs yang sudah lama berkecimpung in the educational world. Prof Dato' Dr. Bajunid shared with us the latest from his UNESCO meeting and suggested that teachers' min requirement should be having a Master's.I told him that's fine but if you have an unwilling government to invest in education, what would you do.He said tak perlu duit (aik?) and explained how it could work.I was not convinced.Nothing is free in this world.But he's a warm personality (maklum, an educator). We exchanged cards -  senang le I nak invite dia ke next year's ASA teacher's day celebration gamaknya - if umur pjg. :)

We had good discussions over what we cared most and the people invited were really hand-picked so no wonder, such a chemistry!

Malam tu we celebrated Nayli's and Irfan's bdays. Kak Yah is getting worse, kata Faisal. Gosh, I really think there should be a collective effort to care for her not Faisal seorang.

Today, Yayan brought over baju2 lama my mother for each of us to distribute to org2 miskin.I simpan a couple of pairs for my cucu cicit.Bibik took some and besok I'd give some to needy people at work.The baju cantik2 cos' byk yg anak cucu hadiahkan kpd dia. I remember giving her some from my various travels.Semoga sampailah pahala dari si pemakai kpd aruah.

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