Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Thrown together again for the second time

Ruzy invited me to be one of the three judges at UKM's Kongress Penyelidikan Inovasi yesterday afternoon.It was a colourful event.The Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation came to officiate.Baru I tau that there is another worker Minister.And he's a funny and witty guy.

But he is not the focus of my blog entry.Lat is.
Lat came as this year's one of 3 KPI's innovation icons.So yes, more close up this time..like makan semeja and sempat berbual-bual or mendengar dia bercerita about his latest project (Kampong Boy will have its theme park, folks as in there will be a real kampong environment for us to relive his kampong boy life.Wow)

Ruzy ajak kita semua bergambar dengan dia and after tea, she was accompanying Dato waiting for his driver.Ruzy mula buka cerita about us being students in NZ and how we both went to his theater some years ago (yang ini I yg menyampuk).I came really close to tell him about the flying pig card story again (at the time he drew Epit..again..on my book as he autographed it.I almost suspected he remembered but nahhh..there were too many fans, too many faces and it would be an embarassment if I told him and he remembered.Haha.Lain dulu, lain sekarang.But sebak, dadaku, sebak as I thought of how time flew and how we were brought together again and it felt just like yesterday when I wrote him a letter from a small town, claiming my fascination of his work.I was 7? 8?)

Yang I tak pernah bersekemuka is Freddie Fernandez.I had met Patrick Teoh many times and ended up menyampah membaca his writings.

Third time lucky, I would just tell Dato Lat that I was his young fan from Raub.Nak sebak, biar sebak betul-betul. :D

RIGS took much of our time today but I sempat tulis some comments for Marcus' new book.


FJ said...

u wrote a letter to him????? aaaaa so cute
i'm a huge fan of his works too!

Faridah said...

FJ: When I was young, I wrote letters to everyone famous.Terbawa2 sampai ke undergrad years in NZ. Some kind of disorder.Haha.But those big names melayanlah pulak.My letters got read out on radios (Msia and NZ) and a writer columnist mentioned my letter in his column.Gila betul masa tu. I wrote to Lat and he replied with a nice card (which he would have bought overseas gamaknya sebab gambar babi terbang.Haha) I wish I kept the card and articles.Luckily in my 50s, tebiat burok ni dah takda but I now write letters of complaint.The disorder has gone to a different level. :D

orangkampung said...

Ha ha ha Fredie. I remember that. how about budak sabah yang copycat lagu phil collins tu , from tape yang you hantar. huhu lupa pulak nama dia.Ke you dah lupa dia?

Faridah said...

Ummuaimi: haha..jgn le tambah list I ni. :D Karang Phil Collins terjumpa komen you ni, mana YOU nak sorok muka? Actually..I tak ingat about the song. Nanti I google kot-kot ada on youtube.I'm looking for Muji.Dia pun ada satu cerita lawak pasal Wayne Mowat, NZ National Radio. Do you know where she is?