Thursday, September 06, 2012

Siapa berok mat yeh sebenarnya?

It will get worse when Z leaves us...but Nik and I were talking about some people who cheat on their spouses (berok2 mat yeh).The guys talk openly about stuff like this at their workplace.Nik and I are pretty open about these things...we'd update each other if and when we cheat (cheat main dam).Ahaks.On a serious note, we believe in the sacredness of the family institution.Musnah keluarga, musnah negara.

Nik's theory is this: those who cheat with the wives of others would have been seasoned adulterers cos' those who have not 'done it' would feel guilty or sinful of doing it with other people's wives.

Those who target divorcees think it's an easy job for them cos' they think that the women are sex starved and would welcome them readily.It's easy to generalise, isn't it but I would blame the men more than the women.

Another theory is if you frequent porn sites/brothels/karaokes, you would look for pros or gros to fulfill your 'unregulated' sexual needs (we thought of someone we both know who has this prob) and we speculated over his lifestyle.And whether the wife sudah ditundukkan dgn ilmu penunduk for being so permissive of the husband's unhealthy hobby or she has simply given up.I pity such a woman and may my anak cucu never see that day/be in that position.

We talk mcm org pencen takda kerja lain nak fikir! But frankly, these kinda stories are so common.


Unknown said...

Tak ter komen Kak Freda. Asyik istighfar je bila baca kisah2 macam ni. Cuma dapat berdo'a kita dijauhkan dari semua ni.

Faridah said...

Rok: Msia bukan lagi yang kita kenali.Partly because bila org buat maksiat,kita tak menegornya.Maka berleluasalah jadinya.