Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We have moved

someone's garden

a home in a choice neighbourhood

hundreds of homes like this

In the garden at Kenwood Hall

garden again

all we need is Hugh Grant here.

Kenwood Hall's garden (a pond ahead you)

*da pond

Uncertain of our movements, we had only booked for 2 days at the Hilton.When we wanted to extend our stay, not only was Hilton fully booked till next week but also Holiday Inn and a few others.

But we found Kenwood Hall.My God, it's a real treat! It has a walking trek, lotsa green, ducks, fish, pond, lawn, chateau-looking buildings, swimming pool...orgh..very English indeed.

But if after dark, the place can be quite has a road called Cemetery Road not far from the place...Z was saying part of the uni activities is ghost walking in which students walk to catch ghosts. Haha.

We saw Sheffield city's very modern, very efficient (the bank is), a couple of buskers playing jazz. I like.

We ate at Kinaara today, a fine dining place which serves a fusion of Indian, Thai and Chinese cuisines.Let's put it this way: I miss Malaysia at meal time.Nothing like home-lah.


Mawar said...

Kak F
masya Allah!

Faridah said...

Mawar: kan? Pagi ni I nak interview orang pasal history tempat ni.Macam rumah landowner or baron zaman kurun lama2.I ajar English Literature kurun 15 ke 16 ke terasa mcm berjalan dlm buku2 texts yang dibaca.Only if it's not so cold!

Mawar said...

Kak F,
Alangkah saya menyertai perjalanan yang sama antara angin yang dingin!