Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Do you remember I blogged about Irshad not too long ago? Sal's quiet 17-year old lad?

Well, we had a health scare yesterday.The docs found something not nice.Then wanted to do surgery the same day they broke the bad news to Sal.I knew earlier from my niece doctor but she said let the news come from the docs to Sal.But I text-ed her to psyche her up...I said be strong whatever the news is...we'll ikhtiar semua cara.Sal ni lurus bendul.Pagi tu she was still saying I hope it's nothing serious.I said do not panic whatever it is.I continued to work (byk la pulak kerjanya semalam).

Then around 10 am,Sal rang to say docs dah nak operate on Irshad's spine if they allowed it.She rang to ask wht I thought.As we spoke,she broke down.Gosh...someone had to be strong,kan? I told her pls don't cry, it won't help.We need to stay calm so we can think clearer.She calmed down.I told her I'd make a few phone calls and would get back to her.

And you know the wealth which I would not trade with anything else: my friends from various backgrounds and experiences.I called them one by one.The first I rang was Wan.She said go do istikarah and doa sekiranya surgery ini baik for Irshad, permudahkanlah.If not,berilah jalan keluar yang lebih baik utk sembuhkan dia.I told Sal and Daud.They would do.I did too sbb Wan kata sapa2 pun boleh buat.More is better.Then I rang my qigong friend.Dia pun kasi feedback..go for it sbb the growth will not shrink (given the timeframe we had).Then Dr Lau, trained in both Western and Chinese med.He also said go for it.So I conveyed all these to Sal.

By noon I went to the hospital to give her the support needed.None of the family members was thr yet.While both went to solat,I psyched Irshad up selepas tengok dia sgt susah hati.Kenapa Irshad termenung? Irshad takut mati ke, I joked.He said no...saya takut lumpuh. Budak ni pun mcm mak lurus bendul.You see his face like so pure (walaupun he's quietly so nakal). I told him what ustaz tazkirah ramadan told us: jgn ingat sakit tu sesuatu negatif.It is a rahmah cos' Allah nak ingatkan kita mcm2.I said nasib it happens now cos he's only 17. Kalau 40? 50? I taklah berleter lagi lepas tu but just told him to be strong and bertawakkal apapun he has to go through.

When the surgeons came, I was there sama2 menyibuk tanya questions and their decisions to do the surgery so soon.Dato Dr. Azmi is one of the best so I tanya why the approach he took cos' it would mean two unnecessary operations...why not do the biopsy dulu.Once confirmed cancerous ke hapa, baru operate and do everything at one go (buang growth, potong parts of the bone which impinge on the nerves, etc).He gave his explanations but then said he'd leave it to us to decide.He'd respect any decision we made.Baik dia ni.Suka.

So lepas kita bincang balik dan Irshad pun bersetuju bertawakkal, we opted for the surgery (with kata2 Wan at the back of our minds..selepas solat istikarah tu, leave everything to Allah.Things will take place according to His Will).While they went for another scan,I turun solat Zohor and got some lunch.Then Sal text-ed kata operation postponed sebab machine hanged ke hapa.Then Dato pun kata buat biopsy dulu.MasyaAllah...ini bukan pertama kali I experienced miracle dan the presence of God....kita je dok ingat He's so far away from our lives.I almost broke down,so humbled.

After seeing them and getting details about the turn of events,I pun balik.Punya letih, lepas Maghrib terus tertidur.Here I am after Isyak,documenting kebesaran Allah dan kealpaan kita tentang kehadiranNya di setiap saat hidup kita.

All we need to do is ask.  


Mawar said...

Kak F
doa saya buat Irshad.

Faridah said...

Mawar: terima kasih seperti selalu. Perasaan seorang ibu menghadapi semua ini mmg tidak dapat kita selami sukarnya.

Mawar said...

Kak F
saya pernah lalui pengalaman yang sama saat anak saya mahu memasuki bilik bedah. saya seperti memasuki lorong lain. banyak yang saya imbas, banyak juga yang saya kesali.

Faridah said...

Mawar: Sebagai ibu, kita tak pernah lekang dari rasa cemas.But if it's confirmed Irshad has cancer, mcm death sentence kpd ibu yg melahirkan.Please doa it is treatable jika pun benar.