Thursday, August 07, 2014

Tiada indahnya raya jika...

..kita hanya tahu bersuka-ria.

It's a tough one today.Comm Dept had a very high profile open house (but they said it's low key to respect world crisis esp that in Gaza).But kambing golek, you.Pak Lah's caterer some more.Dalam kami bersukaria tu I noticed Arab-looking mature students.I asked Dr Zetty who they were.She said Palestinian refugees from Egypt..they had not heard from their parents in Gaza for 3 days dah.My heart sank.One of them ada kanser tulang but he's so tough..mcm takda apa-apa di wajahnya.Senyum tetap senyum.No one would have thought!

I sat talking with Prof Yusoff's wife.They just got back from Makkah.I asked if it was not too crowded the last week of Ramadan.I selalu tolak hasrat Nik utk puasa di Makkah in Ramadan.I'm afraid of crowds.For me ibadah mesti senyap2 dan not rushed and pushing.My friend said you mesti yakin kita tetamu Allah..Allah akan buat mudah for us.Wow.She said nampak je mcm crowded...sebenarnya tidak dan nikmat berpuasa di Makkah waktu Ramadan tak dapat diceritakan manisnya.Nik said the same thing (he went the first week Ramadan with his best friend since I refused to go one year)..tak sama dgn ibadah di musim haji or umrah.Let's doa we will get invited Ramadan next year.

Cerita hantu kawan Bibik belum habis.Semalam anak Aci berjaya bolos masuk her room! Kawan Bibik kata dia dikerumuni oleh anak2 Aci besar2 budak-budak sekolah rendah.Mereka semua takda hidung.Kalau kawan Bibik ni menipu, kreatif betullah dia! Layan je lah.Seronok juga dapat updates from Bibik on a daily basis.Hari ni entah apalah pulak. :))


Full marks for the kambing golek

Quality control (Dr Riza  monitoring things)

Tua muda sama sahaja

Fruits and cookies


Yesterday's pic at my office


Mawar said...

Kak F
sedih ya lihat juadah ini saat hati kita luluh mengenang mereka di sana ....

Faridah said...

Mawar: Keadaan semakin menjadi-jadi.Nmpknya US beria2 nakkan perang dunia..CNN: US is considering airstrikes on Iraq.Dia create ISIS rupanya nakkan ini.Bykkan membaca surah kahfi sepuluh ayat pertama utk elak fitnah dajjal.