Saturday, August 02, 2014

Farewell Ridwan Laher

I chanced upon the announcement of Ridwan's death today - on his blog.It must be from his family member.It came as a shock to me.Ridwan died the first week of Ramadan (July 2) of heart attack.Allahuakhbar! Innalilah...I am truly saddened.It's like I've lost a very close friend.

Ridwan had zero tolerance of any form of racism and injustice.If he were alive to witness the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza...he would be the most ferocious fighter.He wrote well.He's intelligent.He's loud.And yet he's very human and compassionate.Part of me refuse to believe it's heart attack.I think someone killed him.Will Ridwan's family member come forward and tell us how he died...was it an accident? Did he come back from a party and collapsed? (someone would have poisoned him)

Gosh...I'm hysterical here.
In a  tribute for Ridwan, here's his link
May Allah grant him jannah.Al fatihah, my brother.

Footnote: Found out from another blog that Ridwan discovered blood clot in his lung in 2008 while doing a medical checkup.He was saved then.8 years later he succumbed to a heart attack.He's a year younger than me.From his recent tweets, he was busy with giving aid for war victims in Syria.Allah ambil dia di bulan Ramadan...

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