Monday, October 06, 2014

Are we good enough for Allah?

A touching day after we collected our daging qurban from Rose who helped picked it from the flat surau semlm.We were not there to witness the ibadah sbb masih di Raub.

So Nik ajak his siblings lunch today at our place.While I melepak2 after shower, my neighbour rang to say there were daging qurban for us (dua bahagian).Bibik took them sebab I tak sempat turun.Then I rang her and said thanks for your daging qurban.She said no, they are yours.I said we had taken ours semalam.

Ding dong ding dong we found out that someone tersilap letak our names for two cows (and we got 4 bahagian for the price of two parts!). Mulalah I perasan we had been good gal and boy tht Allah dah gandakan our qurban.Astaghfirullah..mudahnya nak rasa hebat kena uji sikit.So we rang here there tanya apa nak buat ni..we can't cook them cos' they are not ours.Akhirnya someone said beri kat jiran2, pak guard yg belum dpt share dia, sedara mara etc.We were told it's ok to take whatever we didn't have in the package semlm.

I rasa mcm touched sgt.Like rasa tak layak pun dipandang Allah but I felt He was talking to us.I think I know why...tapi tak mau la riak if I share with you the story (my mom kan dah pesan..bila benda2 gini berlaku,  just shut up) but anggaplah ini pengkongsian ilmu so that kita semua sama2 beringat.

Dalam ibadah korban, satu benda kita kena ingat is this: jgn cakap apa2 if you want to do it.Don't say...mahalnya..don't say buat kat Kemboja murah sikit...don't say sini semua org dah kaya so buat la kat tempat lain.Just don't say anything.Just give and mohon ibadah kita diterima.

I wanted so much to witness the sembelihan but contact Nik tak pasti..even a day before raya.He said yg pasti ours no. 6... Could be disembelih pagi raya or belah mlm raya pertama.We let go and said bkn rezeki nak nengok (ustaz kata kalu tengok waktu darah tu menitik ke bumi adalah waktu paling bagus utk mohon doa -yg tu yg I nak kejar) but bila dah diberitau ours was pagi raya, kami redholah.Ini semua hak Allah.Asalkan Allah terima ibadah itu sudah cukup.

You know kesudahannya? He gave us double! MasyaAllah..I teared up.But I know we also can't have it.

Semoga kita semua tergolong di dalam kalangan orang-orang yang diredhoiNya. 

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