Sunday, October 05, 2014

Hari raya korban

This year's hariraya korban award goes to two Turkish gals I was supposed to host.Took them home to Raub to experience local Malay culture.As always, I put all my student guests at a hotel so that they would have their own space and comfort.I pun slept at my Long's house cos' my mom's house tak sempat vacuum but Sal and Mek slept over, respecting my mom's spirit.

I thought things were OK...the gals cooked a Turkish dessert and we had dinner at Angah's house.I told the gals when we dropped them at the hotel around 11 pm that we'd pick them at 8 pm for Eid prayer the following day.They said OK.I thought they looked happy.Sounded sincere to me.

Bila I bangun subuh and after solat, I saw a note on my phone from a man (using one of the girls' phones) that he had fetched them cos' one of the gals had bad stomach ache and they didn't want to disturb me so late and because they were at the hotel, this bad-mannered man said he had to fetch them and take them back to IIUM and that they had safely arrived (sms was sent around 5 am, I checked with the hotel, the receptionist said a big bearded man came around 3.13 am and checked out with the gals.His car jenis Atos)

Yup...I had the worst imagination after that..gals were kidnapped, sent to work in a brothel in Bangkok, yada yada.I rang up the officer at the International office.Both gals dah tak ngangkat phone dah.The guy was beyond our reach cos' he didn't use his tel.My family suggested I make a police report.I agreed but had to ensure that the gals were indeed safe at the uni.Ding dong ding dong, the officer said the gals' friend confirmed they were back at their hostel and sleeping.I tak puas hati..kot2 ikut boyfriend and the friend was covering up so we got another officer who knew the gals personally to check.If they were not there,I'd go ahead with the police report.

Gamaknya the guy takut, he rang the officer but the officer suruh called me personally.I tak kasi peluang dia mencelah pun..dan-dan tu I basuh cukup2. Islamik sangat la konon so concerned I left the gals at a hotel knowing they knew very little English.Waktu tidur, faham? What could be so life threatening?Even if it were, you simply dont larikan anak dara org right under the guardian's nose.Dia nak explain..I said explainlah ke Rector or Deputy dia and I don't have to explain anything to him..I answer to the uni.Dia siapa?I hung up.Nak kurang hajar, two can do it!

When I go back to work next week, cerita ni harus ada penutup yg membuahkan guidelines for both students and future hosts..students cant just run off if they find going local is so intimidating.Lagipun I didn't ask for them..mrk je yg minta uni carikan hosts.

The family joked about the incident: if anyone felt sick eating juadah raya, lari.Or if anyone felt overwhelmed buat kerja di dapor, lari. :))


Iskandar aka DR Bubbles said...

Tak hormat hos langsung! And the host pulak orang Rawa. Berani depa!

Selamat Hari Raya. Tengah bakar jagung di Jerantut. Esok balik packing. Lusa ke Barcelona dah.

Faridah said...

Dr Bubbles: ini kelompok ISIL gamaknya.:D Syoklah pi Spain.Seafood depa sedap giler (I didn't go to Barcelona but Cordoba, Vigo, Madrid and another holy city.Z went to Barcelona and had a good time.More people speak English there sbb org kaya2 je pi situ)

Keep us posted.Don't run on your host walau tak sedap macamana pun makanan depa. Haha.