Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day two tahlil

Since Dr. Gayah and I were at work and could not attend the funeral and tahlil of aruah Tan Sri Ani Arope yesterday, G said she'd pick me before Maghrib to attend the day two tahlil at one of the suraus in Section 2, Shah Alam (dekat rumah aruah).They'd do the tahlil after Maghrib.

Nampak Ismail je.We wanted to drop by and visit Sakinah at her home...dia tak jawab ph pulak.Her mom is still in the hosp.Maybe she's there.But G and I were convinced she might need the space to grieve on her own terms.Lain kali sahaja kita drop by.We met new friends at the tahlil.Seronok juga solat kat different mosque/surau mcm ni.

G and I went down the memory lane on the memoir project which wanted to happen (semua project I mcm ni..they all have a life of their own).Then we thought how strange we were there a night before aruah pergi (less than 8 hours sebelum aruah meninggal) - and peristiwa utama the visit was Dr G's pledge that she'd work on the second edition.Aruah mmg serious on this.In Nov. he was still passing things to G.Sama2 lah kita doakan G will find the strength to honour the amanah.I can double chk je le cos' 2015 would be another busy year for me, InsyaAllah.

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