Monday, December 01, 2014

Young guests at dinner

Guess who came to dinner?

Their mom was working late so she rang her brother and asked if he could pick up the gals and take them home.We thought bringing them over to our plc and get them to dine with us would be wonderful.So I went to buy what was banned in the household since Gaza war: KFC.Yeah...unfortunately the two gals susah nak makan.Except for fried chicken.

They got stuck in the jam.Nadra duduk kat belakang dah terbelit with the safety belt so kecoh sikit without the car seat.By the time they arrived, everyone looked so hungry and tired.Poor kids.Long hours at the childcare centre if mom is working late.

It's nice to have small feet running around the house once again.But I have changed my mind of adopting anyone.I don't think I will survive. Kejap2 OK lah.But the kids are so cute.Nayly asked, "Can you give me a surprise every time I visit your house?" Mak ooii! Nadra asked if she could take home the sporty toy cars.I said nanti Uncle Dee marah.She put them back where she took them.Pandai!

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