Monday, December 15, 2014

I spy with my little eye...

We took the two gals out to the Curve yesterday, thinking it would be easy. Oh my, not with Nadra! At first it was fun playing their guessing game...I spy with my little eye.Nayli started it.Tengok2 Nadra pun dah pandai berspy2 but she cheated.Here is how it went with her:

Nadra: my turn! My turn! (When I wanted to go "I spy with my big eye...")

Me: ok, your turn.

Nadra: I spy with my little eye, sumpin (something) blue-like (it sounded blue light).

Puas Nayli and I cari anything blue in our immediate surrounding.All we could find was the blue sky.

Me:the blue sky!

Nadra: No!

Lepas tu kita main agak je..apa yang ada je.

Me and Nayli: blue car! (Yang tak ada)

Nadra: Yeshhh!

Dia main tipu.


FJ said...

hahaha and everyone else cheated along!

Faridah said...

FJ: I can go on and on psl Nadra ni.At the Curve, she saw the toy booth which was looked after a makcik nyonya.She tugged my hand and said, "I want toyyy" (upon sighting a set of kitchen utensils in a box). I buat pekak.She confidently went to the Nyonya and told her, "I want toyyy".Of cos' Nyonya was happy to entertain the 3-year old child.She said can, can, aunty can give you toyyy.Which one you want? Nadra: thish (tunjuk the kitchenware). I tanya how much, Nya? She said RM39.90. What I could buy RM10 or RM 15 elsewhere.I told Nadra..your mom will buy that for you, find something else.She found a RM5 sword with lightings mengerlip2.Aunty liked. Cheapskate aunty, huh? :))