Friday, May 22, 2015

Kuantan workshop

Ktn hosted the TRGS workshop and I brought satu bas IRK colleagues to match research interests.Fun gila cos' there were so many possibilities.One of the doctors said he felt energised. So sweet.

And guess who one of the speakers was? One of the guys I met at a biotech convention in Boston in 2007. Flinders grad juga. We all were inspired by his professionalism and commitment as a scientist (couldn't care less about ranking and meeting KPIs).There was another Prof Azmi (Cambridge grad, UPM based) then but I think he joined the corporate world tak lama balik dari US.Antara dua Azmis ni, I can't really recall which one joined the dinner at MHS's home at Harvard.I rasa the USM's Azmi but he's gone really kurus now (fit) and mukanya tersangatlah Cina looking. :D. My memory cannot hold much now.8 years' event pun dah lupa.A good thing I blog.

I had bad food poisoning ptg semlm when my RA bawak balik some pasta.Then off to Ktn berhenti dinner at R&R. Jam 3.30 am I thought I was dying..I had bad stomach ache.Pagi tu suruh bdk counter belikan 100 Plus cos' I dah lembik kena cirit birit.Then texted Dr Ailin to buy me some anti cirit birit pills which she kindly bought from iium clinic.

I need rest.

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