Friday, August 14, 2015

Cream Talk no. 12

We had the IDB Southeast Asian Director (Acting) to share with us opportunities IDB had to offer. Another group of IDBs was having another function downstairs so while waiting for Kunrat, we wired up.Sukalah I kerja ginih.Haha.More people, more opportunities to tap on.Gitu.

The session went well but yang registered 70, yang datang about 25.But we had good questions which Kunrat said were like a wake-up call for him to do more. Pastu I buat jahat (as a moderator) tanya pasal global financial crisis.Pandai pulak Kunrat menjawabnya. Smart guy.Pleasant to listen to.

Pastu I pi beraya ke rumah Che Noraini naik kereta Dato Asiah (dari jauh nmpk macam Jag but it's the bigger version of Merz).Che Noraini - macam biasa begitu lavish with her hidangan.I loved her laksam, nasi dagang, satay ketupat and her steamed lamb chops! Sedap betul, bukan sedap sikit2.Must ask her how she did it.Rempahnya macam lain. Masa balik tu I melambai2 ke Syed Azman cakap kita semua dah nak balik sebab dah kenyang.Buruk tak? Dato Asiah gila emas..macam pokok kacang lengannya penuh dgn emas (ada yang ada buah kacang!). I usik her about her being a pokok kacang.Gelak besar la dia.I just found out how pemurah she is.Masa ziarah her former cikgu sekolah rendah..his wife suka sangat one of her she just gave it to her..just like that you know? Wow! Kalau rege RM100 dua ratus, I tak le terkejut...ribu OK? But she said the lady sampai sekarang belum hilang terkejutnya.I said I had told you I like gelang you yang berjuntai2 tu (mix and match type) banyak kali dah today....She gelak besar! Just trying my luck, OK? (I tak berapa gemor emas..mungkin lepas ni can start liking sbb duit menjunam tak berenti2).

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