Sunday, August 16, 2015


The little fish semua dah mati so I bought new red sepats and ikan bandaraya.Ah Kong or his Erikson never turned up.Kata pukul 12.. I told Nik Sabtu semlm jadual I padat...nak pi wedding anak Dr Farizah, nak visit my sister tak sihat at Putrajaya, Seth (cucu saudara) hospitalised at Sime, Subang Jaya, nak dropby rumah baru Azura (Ruzy, Jai, Azah semua tak leh datang), yada yada.

The night before sibuk beraya at Epah's.Ramai juniors I have not met but got to know better.Mana yg sempat.Got hooked up with Helmy psl sejarah Melayu and Az and Ju pasal Badri di Timur Leste.Tht was a laugh.Epah shared with me detik2 cemas Malik early this year.Alhamdulillah he's OK now.

I must also record this: Farizah put me at a VVIP table with Shuhaimi Baba but she bumped into her friends and never made it to the table she was supposed to be at.I saw the Alatas family.Masa nak balik, Farizah said tunggu la, pengantin dah sampai.So I waited at the entrance.Then I saw Zeti.Takda org sambut dia and line was so clear.So dgn muka tak malu I greeted her Tan Sri! We support you! She went hihi..tak sempat berselfie cos' Farizah's daughter came to greet her.I can tell my cucu I shook hands with Msia's first female governor who almost brought down Msian PM.Heh.

Pastu went for a quick chat at Azura's.Her hubby and gals were in so dari nak singgah kejap jadi dekat 2 jam! Nik had to attend his raya function at Rahman Putra and Z and I drove to Putrajaya to visit Long (lepas Maghrib). Mlm2 tu we drove to Putrajaya cos' Long dah bising I janji nak sleepover tapi tak timbul2 juga.She's really not well..teringat aruah mak I.Mcm tulah...mcm lelah but it's actually the heart.And she had done her bypass years ago.

I can see myself like that at 67.Kalu umur panjang lagi.

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