Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day off

I took the day off today (mc).Dah bersiap nak pi kerja, singgah pi physio kejap then bang! at the car park slope ~ I fell! Wough..nasib a car about to pass didn't hit me!

How fragile life is.

Wong put ice on my leg and I did the rest of the routine.Did an extra activity today.
My head still pusing (food poisoning on Sunday and the doc said yes, it can cause head to spin.My fren said she had the same food item and had food poisoning as well.I went with Bibik.She had the same meal.She also had spinning spells.So I have struck off this bistro ~ never again its laksa johor)

Z is home in between exams.We decided to have a night out at Eastin.Tengok the female vocalist in mini skirt goyang2 kaki dia, I jeles.I can't shake my leg like that anymore.Sakit jatuh tadi. :(

I had a good rest, though.


ARIF said...

Hope you get well soon Dr...syafikallah

Anonymous Devil said...

finally, a day off. mase cuti pon macam2 jadi. be strong dr.! tu sume dugaan/cobaan.

Faridah said...

Arif: Thank you so much.I need all the doas in my life now.Hope all is well with you in KB.

Xlanx: I do feel something spooky is happening in my life.Tadi (if not virus) I baru nak type this response (at 5 am OK?) tiba2 the script jadi arabic! Now it's back to English (without me doing anything).I have Surah Baqarah on my laptop all the time so I tak lah takut sangat.

I hope it's just a virus. :)

Lady of Leisure said...

Salam Dr,
get well soon.. Rehat banyak2..

Faridah said...

Lady: yes, can't wait for my markings/thesis examining to be over.Lepas tu boleh berfoya-foya tepi laut ke, spas ke.

Let's work on your cook book! (it'll be my vacation)

Lady of Leisure said...

On the cookbook tu InsyaAllah Dr hehe.. for now gantung kuali sementara waktu, tak boleh nak bau bawang pun.. padahal sebelum ni suka makan bawang..
Gynae cakap insyaALlah after first trimester hilang morning sickness..

Bestnya foya2 ke spa.. i was in bali last january, rasa tak mau balik mengenangkan spa dia.. ubud is such a nice place for relaxing, rasa diri macam julia roberts kejap hehe.. sebab tengok cerita eat pray love tu la. :D

Faridah said...

Lady: yeah..I read your blog abt the good news.So happy for you.You take care.Lepas ni susah lah nak ber-blog lagi..

I haven't figured out where I want to go...but Makkah is on top of my list.Lepas tu baru boleh fikir pasal tempat2 lain.Tak sabar nak gantung keyboard kejap. :))

Asma' Umm Hudzaifah said...

syafakillah dr faridah!! were you wearing high heels? aiyah i hope there'll be no more slip and trip story from you after this, may Allah grant you health!

Makkah sounds ideal! as for me im very curious with italy, all the highways between the mountains seems so idyllic for a getaway! hehe.but like you, makkah is my primary aim dulu:D

Faridah said...

Asma': high heels dah lama buang.No, I was wearing my special sandals (designed for those with bad spine).

Yes, hopefully there are better days ahead.InsyaAllah.All we need to do is pray for better days.

Go Makkah, then go Italy.I haven't been.They say kotor.

Anonymous Devil said...

whoa. that cannot be a virus. lesson learnt; do not surf internet at 5am.

hehe. but you know, i think our prophet pon mase trime wahyu, kate nye brpeluh2 and macam takut2 gitu. not that i'm saying you were getting a wahyu. haha. but you know, it could be a sign for something ke.

now i sound superstitious. haha.

Mawar said...

Kak F,
makanya orang2 tua kata (esp my mom), jalan tunduk. ouch!

semoga cepat sembuh dan pergi Mekah!

Faridah said...

mawar: hahaha..tu dah habis tunduk dah tu, dik.Siap pegang kat rel lagi.Itu kata orang tua2, malang tak berbau.

Tunggu cerita saya pasal kisah spooky saya.

Faridah said...

Xlanx" It is my reply to your comment yang selalu ada prob nak menghantarnya.Tadi tiba2 no line walhal internet worked perfect.Sites lain OK and comment org lain OK but to urs, selalu tak lepas.SIRIM tak lepas tu.

But thks for your comment dgn the wahyu thingy.I don't think I'm getting any saka from anyone.Haha.