I should not entertain this so much but a thread on jinn on my fb just triggered my memory of an experience with Dato' Ismail Kamus 2 years ago.
Not easy to see him but my friend and I waited as long as it took us.It all started with me accompanying my mom in a visit to see another Ustaz (now also a Dato')Tiba2 this ustaz called me forward and started treating me (with telor ayam) which he placed on my stomach (masa tu my husband and sisters and mom were with me)and the telor melekat.2 men tried to pull, then the following nite 3 men yang gemok2, and the 3rd nite 4 men..semua tak boleh tarik the telor stuck on me.Everytime the so called ustaz managed to pull through the egg and crack it up, adalah benda2 di dalamnya which he said was sent to me.I was in the form of denial.Apa ni ustaz, I asked the 1st night.
He said, "aha, you tak tau orang sekarang main ilmu sihir macam daun kayu..they don't even have to look at you, just jelir their tongue at you without looking at you and you are done."
So I trusted him (being so trusting!) but masuk kali ke 7, I figured something was not right when this so called ustaz started to meraba! (I was with my 2 sisters and his assistant).Mereka tak kata apa macam kena pukau!
I stopped going and dismissed his 'reading' as rubbish!
However, I went to Darul Shifa' and Ismail Kamus for 2nd and 3rd opinions.Just in case cos' on the 2nd day after I went to the bomoh penipu, I did go through some paranormal experiences (someone was choking me as I dressed to go to work, etc).
Darul Shifa' cleared me.Ismail Kamus just went ahead with treatment without telling me anything.That is not the point of my story.My point is this:
He does group treatment (in which the range is so varied and for me so dangerous..you duduk dgn orang yang sakit2 biasa and those yang betul2 gila/kena rasuk) It was the scariest point in my life.I never went again sebab the day I went (with my husband) we were greeted by a young, clean shaven and well-spoken man.At the door, he told my husband, kita kalau nak datang berubat ni, sebelum masuk kena baca lahauwaalla kuwataillah minnazorlimin or somethimng like that (it could be another ayat).So my husband apologised dgn begitu polite and said we didn't know (and recited accordingly)
While waiting, the young man started to berceramah on living in a multiracial country.He started with Tuan2 dan Puan2 hadirin sekalian, kita apabila tinggal dalam masyarakat majmuk seperti Malaysia ini...
At this point, the penjaga registration (a lady) went to this young speaker and said,"duduk! duduk! kejap lagi ustaz datang".
Rupa2nya dia pun pesakit! Hahaha (kesian Nik who was so apologetic earlier)
When Dato' finally came, I found out I was in the same group as this bright looking young man (rupa2nya dia pelajar cemerlang who got a scholarship to study in Jordan and was doing well tapi tak tau silap kat mana, jin masuk dalam badan dia)
My friend who came with me also was in the same group (4 of us) but she was lucky she did not sit betul2 sebelah budak ni (his father said ada masa he would want to tikam his dad with pisau bila dia masuk ke alam jin dia)but masa Dato' masuk, he said wahhh..Dato' sekarang nampak semakin muda ya.I was amazed. :)
dato' buat budak ni dulu.He said dalam kepala awak banyak jin.And masa Dato buat, dia tanya budak tu, apa rasa? Budak tu kata tajam macam pisau.
Luckily time I, Dato' tak kata apa2 so I guess there was nothing wrong and life went on (and I travelled so much those years).
Group healing is dangerous. I remember just before meeting Dato' I went to one branch which was associated to the branch in Kg Baru.Yang itu lagi takut.One young man (strapped cos' he was so violent) forced himself into the treatment room where I was with my friend and 2 other ladies.I remember the young man looking directly at me and menggilai HA HA HA!
4 orang ustaz cuba tangkap dia and calm him down and started having a conversation with the boy tengah kena rasuk.
"Kenapa kau buat dia macam ni?"
"Sebab aku suka diaLAH!!"
and the boy wanted to menerpa our direction (my lutut dah cair masa ni, ketakutan!)
then ustaz tu campak lada hitam..the boy dropped like dead.
Then like a contortionist, he bounced back and menggilai lagi.It was so ugly but I managed to sneak out quickly out of the room, tinggal kawan I yang masih tengah berubat.Hahaha.
Never again group healing like that and indeed, I read a book on healing, this method is to be avoided for the same reason I mentioned above.The range of ailments is so wide.
MashaAllah, banyaknya pengalaman Prof. Moga semunya itu mendekatkan kita kepada-Nya...akidah semakin kuat apabila kebergantungan kita pada-Nya semakin utuh dan erat. May Allah bless you my beloved Prof (Teh tarik satu, mamak!) ngeee
Rizal:itulah fikiran saya juga.Allah Maha Menagasihi dan selalu mengingatkan hamba2Nya dengan peringatan2.Agar mereka ingat mati itu adalah benar.
Prof F,
X faham kenapa orang2 ni nak hantar benda macam ni kat orang lain :(. I think its jealousy, sebab tu dalam hadis ada cakap "indeed, envy is the root to all evil", ia memakan kebaikan seperti api memakan kayu. Teringat discussion saya dengan member pejabat pasal nak apply untuk promotion petang tadi. Saya cakap jom hantar sama2, promoted atau x lain kira. Dia selamba je cakap "kalau tiba2 hanya you yang dapat promotion, memang aku bising". susahnya nak memahami manusia ni. rambut lebih kurang sama kaler kalu x dye, tapi hati? hmm...i rasa mungkin some people rasa kalau orang lain dapat apa yang dia x dapat tu, orang tu actually amik bahagian dia kot. Orang ni kena yakin dengan Allah. KAlau dah berusaha Allah masih belum memberi, ada hikmahnya. huhuhu...tapi i memang suka layan cite hantu :).
Hidayah: sifat hasad dengki is the base of our existence.Kalau Iblis tak hasad dan dengki kat Nabi Adam, takdalah kita semua di dunia ini.Dan sifat itu juga yang jadi kayu pengukur sama ada kita taat dengan Allah dan ajaran agama atau tidak/masuk syurga ke neraka.
We cannot control what others feel of us but we can definitely control our emotions/feelings.Itu sebab kena baca surah2 3 Qul tu.Kita kena minta lindung dari berperasaan hasad dengki pada org dan orang pada kita.
My advice is :nak mohon promotion, buat senyap2 dan sorang2.Dah dapat pun senyap juga.Kalau bising, org ingat nak tunjuk eksyen pulak. :)
Kalau I rajin,mungkin ada siri ke 3adeagan seram ni.Haha
promotion kat sini x leh senyap2 prof masalahnya. awal2 bos dah war2kan kat satu opis. Kalau dapat, nama terpampang kat e-mail opis lak.2 minggu lepas my dean e-mail dekat i (tapi dia c.c. kat sume staff) congratulating me sebab berjaya habis belajar pun teruk i kena kutuk, katanya pilih kasih, padahal persamaan i dengan dean cuma kebetulan satu negeri, sedangkan jumpa dean pun bole kira berapa kali huhu...i lagi prefer senyap2 tu....and of course i akan tunggu cerita seram siri ketiga :). Ni prof boleh jual idea kat ahmad idham ni:)
Hidayah: lagu tu kor? Hmm..another advice is to just smile and say alhamdulillah or buat pekak je.We cannot stop people from behaving the way they do.I have learnt to "switch off" and buat kerja2 yang lebih productive.I know some think I'm very unfriendly and cocky but I know there are others who love me. Heh.So we'll layan the half filled glass than the half empty.That way, our time is not wasted. :)
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