Thursday, April 21, 2011

My mom's healers (tak berapa seram)

Yesterday I was busy ferrying my mom's healers.One of them a Quran and Sunnah postgraduate student who came to read some ruqyah verses at my mom's room.

Later that afternoon another friend came to read more Quranic verses.My mom tiba-tiba tak boleh bangun and would often get her athma attack yang would not respond to her electric inhaler (macam kat hospital looks like a vacuum cleaner!) My niece, a doctor, said it's all in her mind (psychosomatic problem) ...she accused me of having the same disease.I said true..except mine is real.Haha.

After the afternoon treatment, my mom could walk by herself.Ni macam NLP je.But I'm glad she could bangun and pray duduk.That is all that matters.
I stayed as long as I could (hujan lebat sampai 3 sessions).

Back at home, I remember Imam Huseein was giving a talk at a surau near my place.Alas, too late.Masa Nik and I pi, orang dah tengah solat Isyak and then makan.We turned balik.Prof AbuShouk will invite him over to IIUM for another session.I have heard him before.Nice English.Nak terlena mendengar nya.So musical.

Shopping with Ijat and Aiman was fun last night.Depa borong betul2 cos' I told them spend! spend! I have lots of moneyyyy (haha..I was just kidding them but they took me literally)Takpalah, not every day I go shopping with them.


Mohd Shahrizal Nasir said...

Hopefully, boleh shopping dengan Prof one day...hehe

Faridah said...

Rizal: no problemo.boleh tolong bawak bakul sayor saya. :)