Saturday, June 11, 2011

ACCIN Meeting

Kak Oni reminded me many times of the meeting.No one could go and so she appointed me as the rep to represent our NGO.I didn't mind cos' the public lecture to be held before the monthly meeting looked good. It was given by one of PUM (Persatuan Ulama Malaysia which hosted the meeting) members, Dato' Saleh (who sits on many fatwa boards at both national and state levels). It was supposed to be at 1.45pm.I sibuk melayan Carlotta and arrived before 3 (itu pun after contacting Badri after I got lost somewhere in Section 7, Shah Alam).

By Allah's grace, the talk had not started and only began when I was seated nicely amidst the' all men''s crowd. Memang rezeki! I wanted to listen to the talk so much.It waited for me although I was almost 2 hours late.

I was ill-dressed.Mana I tau I'd be the only female in the crowd of OMG,all men and many were ulemas! But they were nice to me..takda sapa cakap apa2 and when I raised a couple of questions and issues, takda sapa kata apa2 except a reasonable debate why they disagreed with me. I was treated equally.Yay!

Dato' thanked me for my question on the need to include knowledge of other fields dalam kita nak berijtihad (he had outlined semua ilmu berkaitan dgn agama..fiqh to shariah to Arabic, etc)

Dato' Saleh Ahmad said ijtihad is tajuk specific dalam bidang usul fiqh, also ilmu teras shariah.Not everyone can be a mujtahid (org yang boleh buat ijtihad).Kassim Ahmad wanted to be a mujtahid tapi his criteria tak cukup.

Apakah criteria untuk jadi seorang mujtahid?

1.mesti menguasai bahasa arab dalam erti kata sebenarnya: bayan, tatabahasa, sastera, etc.

2. mesti faham Quran dan semua dalil (Quran adalah sumber semua hukum)

3. mesti tahu sunnah Rasul (tahu mana yang sahih, mana tak, tahu perawinya, etc)

4. mesti menguasai ilmu fiqh, metodologi hukum (usul fiqh adalah ilmu teras dalam syariah)

5. mesti tahu masalah2 yang telah berlaku ijmak para ulema terdahulu agar tidak menyalahkan ijtihad silam.

6. mesti mengetahu makasid al shariah (mengkaji matlamat dan objektif perundangan)

7. mesti ada persediaan fitrah untuk berijtihad, mempunyai jiwa bersih, pemikiran yang tajam, etc.

8. mestilah seorang yang adil dan bertaqwa, berakhlaq mulia dan tidak akan mengadaikan agamanya.

Itulah kriteria pokok utk jadi seorang mujtahid but Dato' agreed with me kalau dia tau ilmu2 kifayah yang lain, lagi perfect.

Someone asked about boleh ke bahan video jadi evidence kpd kes jenayah berat (seperti zina).Jawabnya tidak boleh.Kena ikut Quranjuga : mesti ada 4 saksi juga. Memang susah nak prove cos' zaman Nabi pun susah nak prov kecuali pellaku mengaku.Itu pun Prophet tidak terus mahu menghukum tetapi setelah diasak oleh pelaku,baginda memerintahkan hukuman dijatuhkan.

It's nice being among org beilmu begini.Next month kalau ada public lecture lagi, I would want to make time to attend.This time I will pakai jubah hitam.


Mohd Shahrizal Nasir said...

Kalau nak belajar Arab...saya bersedia berkongsi dengan Prof... ngeee...

Faridah said...

Rizal: OK...silakan. :)