Saturday, June 11, 2011

nite life in kl

we love having visitors cos' their presence gives us a strong excuse to dine out in kl atau kawasan se zonenya.

we decided to go to fukuya, top rated japanese restaurant in jalan delima.but somehow we missed it and ter-masuk ke laman Ibunda, Malay fine-dining! Betullah kata pepatah...rezeki ditentukan Allah.

Ibunda ni harapkan cantik je decornya (inside out very da fine).The spread tak banyak.I wanted to go back looking for Fukuya but tengok Carlotta so tired, kesian pulak.Lagipun she just spent time with her Japanese family in Tokyo (mak Carlotta ni Jepun, bapak red Indian but she takda feature Jepun pun) and could do without Jap cuisine. :)

Desserts at Ibunda are the best in the world.Try sira labu dia dgn ice cream durian..phuiyoooo...high...I also liked the bubur cha-cha and bubur pulut hitam (you can have small portion of each)

Drinks: sirap bandung, ABC dia sedap giler.
Here's the link:


Lady of Leisure said...

Salam Dr,
Ibunda ni yang dekat prince court tu kan.. semalam pergi hospital, masa nak keluar tu nampak ibunda..
lagi satu rindu nak makan japanese food, tapi yang mentah2 tak boleh makan for now, saya kena makan yang dimasak, jealous betul tengok orang lain makan ebiko, sashimi etc..

Faridah said...

Lady: ha'ah..Ibunda kat Prince Court.Try Fukuya.Tengok webpage dia.Ambik yang dimasak..grilled mackerel is nice those safe ones..I might try again nanti.Muntah2 lagi ke?

Lady of Leisure said...

Tq Dr, tadi ada masuk website fukuya, tempatnya pun sangat cantik..
Sejak masuk second trimester muntah dah hilang.. tapi semalam tiba2 spotting, telefon gynae di suruh terus ke ER, masa nak keluar dari hospital tu baru perasan ada Ibunda.
Sekarang ni selera makan sudah mari. Semua pun nak. :D
Dr apa khabar? Moga kesihatan bertambah baik..

Lady of Leisure said...

Tq so much Dr.. Terkejut bila tengok nama your daughter yang reply hehe. Sekarang jarang sangat2 dah masak, most of the time beli cuma spotting baru ni rasanya sebab banyak berjalan dan turun naik tangga. Ramai orang pesan suruh exercise kita pun gigih la exercise. Harap semuanya ok. Tq again Dr. :)

Faridah said...

Lady: Sorry abt my daughter's name in the comment (I was on her computer gamaknya).

You take care.Exercise yang ringan2je.Feet letak atas bantal.Bykkan dengar zikir etc.Nanti anak jadi tenang. :)