Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Madinah, kota Rasul

I am already in Makkah (will do anotehr entry in a bit) but I must blog about Madinah, kota Rasul.

I will not go through how the whole family was put on a BIG test (dekat masjid Qubah, masjid pertama yang dibina oleh the Prophet pbuh and he loved it so much he would come and visit it often even when there were other mosques later on).

When you are tested (you would in any way when you are in the holy cities) you should be grateful it happens there.I prayed for solution in Raudhah (nak dapat semayang situ, kita tunggu 3 hours..only to get a small piece of the green carpet...tapi bersyukurlah..dari tak dapat langsung.Do not go at night..lebih ramai dari siangnya).I prayed that Allah show a solution and that the Prophet too would know what pain I went through, asked that he prayed for me and my family's well-being too esp. Zafirah's.You know what? I actually felt the Prophet's presence with me and by Zuhr the following day, we were one happy family again.Begitulah the power of doa. :) Never be afraid to ask and I found a doa that says jgn kami cuba menyelesaikan sendiri masalah kami kerana hanya Engkau yang tahu apa yang baik utk kami (or words to that effect.nanti balik I will put the exact words here..from mathurat).

When it was time to leave this blessed city for Makkah, I was all teary...I had been here 3 times but this time, the city meant so much to me.I felt like I had lived here before and I did not want to leave the Prophet for anything else.Sepanjang perjalanan keluar dari kawasan tanah suci itu I was crying.Uncontrollable kerana terasa sangat sayang kpd Rasullulah who had done so much for us sehingga Islam sampai kepada kita.

Semoga we will return dalam keadaan yang lebih suci jiwa kami, Ya Allah dan semoga kami mendapat syafaat Rasulullah.


Mawar said...

Kak F
alhamdulillah. saya terkesan membaca pengalaman Kak F di masjid baginda. sempena isra' mikraj ini juga saya mengenang Rasulullah yang banyak menimbangkan nasib umatnya. ya umati, umati...

Faridah said...

Dan membaca kembali entri ini setahun kemudian, saya masih merasai kehadiran Rasulullah semasa di kota itu dan betapa cepatnya Allah memberi solusi kpd masalah saya ketika itu.Let's pray that we can return, Mawar.I hope soon!