Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Ask for no bullshit, get some more!

Kee Thuan Chye was our guest yesterday.He was barred from one place in Penang, yah?

But our Dept has always been open to all sorts of writers and speakers. I was late (biz as usual with IWFF etc) but made it to the Q&A (Prof Quayum was kind enough to remind me).I thought some questions were really good (on secular state vs theoractic state) And these were undergrads ~ being so critical and involved.When Q asked me if it were OK to invite Kee to read his book Ask for no bullshit, get some more!, I said why not.We cannot be overly protective of the students.They are intelligent enough to take care of themselves.Kee did say my bullshit is my can disagree. :)

It was a nice session although the topic given was strictly on his plays and life as a writer.

Autograph signing

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