Monday, March 25, 2013

Family get together

It was my family's turn to gather and ber huu haa. Two of my sisters will be going on umrah this month and next.We arrived usual.But the crowd was still there. Seronok juga catching up with one another.

But I came back feeling like I had food poisoning.Must be too much gassy drinks.Air buah jambu lagi.Nik had to be at Hilton pulak to see how things were before their big event on Monday (today).
Balik rumah, I terus knocked out.All day. I age bad. :)

Syukur alhamdullilah, Z got through the Otak2 interview.She'd be matched with one of the best organisations in the country for her summer internship.Her Ireland trip went well.Saw some pics.Teringat zaman undergrad days I sendiri. A free spirit.Nak ke sana sini, takda sapa nak larang.Heh.

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