Thursday, March 07, 2013


I was so inspired so early this morning.Here's celebrating.


1.Very early in the morning, a friend who's close to me rang to ask/confirm what she heard from someone that I said such and such of her (my first reaction was to laugh at such a ridiculous story)

I was inspired cos' she had the courage to check with me first if what she heard was true.
I was inspired cos' Allah watched over me (iyalah..if my fren simpan sakit hati, God knows apa lagi akan berlaku, kan?) so we spoke.I said the next time if ada kaki hasut (syaiton) dtg, just tell him/her to come to me and thrash out apa masalah sebenarnya dia nak hasut orang kiri kanan.Takda kerja lain? We are all supposed to be busy.Like I have time to do this and that yang tak berfaedah?

So my good friend and I learnt something..and know what to do if in the future ada lagi si binggung nak create cerita macam tu.

2.Very early in the morning too I was inspired by kasihsayang Allah.You know that at our age, we all have loads of responsibilities, right.Mana career lagi, looking after aged parents lagi but just do this after solat Subuh: baca doa Nabi Yunus so that segala fitnah hidup dapat diatasi.

You'll start your day wanting to play Eric Darius. :)) (iyalah zikir, zikir juga)
Have a happy weekend ahead you, folks.

I have no time to layan 'deranged' people.Nak tau cerita sebenar, always check more than one source or better still, go directly to the source (of unhappiness). :)


Mawar said...

Kak F
ya, Allah gerakkan dia bertanya apa sebenarnya yang berlaku. Kak F ada ruang untuk memberi kenyataan di pihak Kak F. alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin...

ya, memang masih banyak manusia yang senantiasa curiga @ purba sangka, mencari keburukan orang lain. al hujraat: 12: perbuatan ini seperti memakan daging saudara yang sudah mati!

Allah bersama Kak F sekeluarga.

Faridah said...

Mawar: amalkan doa Nabi Yunus.Semlm itu sahaja zikirnya and tiba2 phone call itu di pagi hari.Tak disangka2.Syukurlah sebelum melarat.

Mawar said...

Kak F
insya Allah. jazakillah khair.